Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Weekend up-date part deux ... reunited and it feels so good!!!

I am still glowing about the weekend that I had but I do have a little political rant that I would like to say first.... 

I am sure plenty of people are talking about the election on blogger because twitter and facebook are still blowing up and I am trying to stay away before I have to start "unfriending" people.  Please remember we are all Americans and we should be proud of our Country no matter what.  In God WE Trust!

The 5 GSU Girls (Cara, Alex, Kimberly, Laura and Sarah)
For my normal Friday, Saturday, and Sunday weekend Bryan and I hit up Statesboro.  After checking into hotel number two we met up with Kelly, Sarah and Michael and went to El Som, which was our favorite Mexican restaurant when we all attended Georgia Southern.   We basked in Margarita's, cheese dip and laughter.  It was just want I needed to be around WONDERFUL friends for the night.  

My Mom and I
This Saturday we played our rival App State.  This weekend we usually do our tailgating big for our rivalry game.  But this weekend it was VERY special.  The 5 original girls were all together again.  We have not been together since Christmas last year.  Almost a whole year a whole year that has been way to long when all use to see each other a few times a quarter.  

Saturday we started the day off right.  We had old friends, new friends and family members all join us at our tailgate spot.  We got to the tailgating fairly early but we had to because we had a huge meal to cook and of course wanted to pop-top for the big game.  We ate low country boil, drank bud light and cheered on the EAGLES!!  Southern ended up losing one of the best games I have been to, but win or lose it was great to be with friends and family and enjoy the time together!  After the game we went to Sarah and Michael's for dinner, hung out with our tailgate group and watched the Bama vs LSU game which was way to close for comfort also!  
All in all it was one of the best weekends I have had in a long time.  I love seeing all my Georgia Southern friends and my Mom and Dad at the same time!  I cant not wait until next weekend, homecoming at GSU!

Happy Wednesday!

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